>Software>AR Software>Diota

    Digital-Assisted Operations

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    Users are helped at each step of their workflow by intuitive and interactive content that is visualised using the most suitable equipment.

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    TEL: +086-010-50951355 / FAX:+86-010-50951352

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    ※Product Overview※

    Digital-Assisted Operations

    Users are helped at each step of their workflow by intuitive and interactive content that is visualised using the most suitable equipment.

    Immediate tangible benefits at each stage of the product life cylce

    Planning | Design | Prototyping | Production | Marketing | Maintenance

    Quality gains

    90% dof errors avoided

    Time saved

    Tasks without added value reduced

    Increased traceability

    Automated task reports

    Aircraft maintenance: working towards cutting aircraft on the ground (AOG) time by a factor of five

    How Safran Electrical & Power intends to detect breakdowns in aircraft cabins more quickly thanks to Digital-Assisted Operations.

    Because of the high number of harnesses and the complexity of their pathways, detecting electrical faults in aircraft cabins involves long ground turn-around times. In order to reduce inspection times, Safran Electrical & Power, the world leader in aircraft electrical cable systems, has chosen to give its inspectors a highly innovative handheld tool based on Digital-Assisted Operations.

    A simple and transparent workflow

    No specific expertise is required for preparing digital projects or for using them in the field.

    #01 - Project creation

    Data is prepared directly in PLM/CAD software and is automatically converted during export into projects usable in field operations.

    #02 - Field Operations

    Users in the field visualise and interact with work instructions and contextual information, take pictures and make comments as necessary.

    #03 - Reporting

    Field data is summarised in a PDF document that is created automatically and that can be sent immediately.

    Welcome to consult us!

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