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A Blind Man Sees New Home Through Model
University of Louisville’s Rapid Prototyping Center and Harvest Technologies Build Models for Family on ABC’s “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition”
Two 3D Systems customers teamed up to create SLA and SLS models of a home for a Lousiville, Ky., family featured on ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. DuraForm PA and Accura 25, two materials solutions from 3D Systems were used so that Patrick Henry Hughes could see the shape and layout of the family's new home through touch.
Nineteen-year-old Patrick Henry Hughes, the family’s eldest son, is blind and disabled, overcoming challenges to become a musician and an inspiration to all those around him. The “Extreme Makeover” team rebuilt the Hughes family home in just seven days to be safe and wheelchair accessible for Patrick Henry. The 3D models were presented to him so he could “see” the shape and layout through touch at the same time the crowd chanted “move that bus” and his family was experiencing the thrill of visually seeing their new, improved home.
“He would have had no idea what the house looked like or understand the floor plan to get around without our models,” said Tim Gornet of the University’s RPC at the J.B. Speed School of Engineering. “We did this not to show off our technology, but to help Patrick Henry, an amazing young man.”